Mungo Brush & Myall Lakes
September 2006
Later that month we went north to Karuah to visit my daughter
Sue-Ellen and her two boys Levi and ‘Boof’ at Lemon Tree Passage
on the way to Mungo Brush; where we were to learn more very
handy tips about where to and no to camp.
Fiona likes fishing, I can take it or leave it but what I didn’t expect was
the boys showing interest so out with the rod and into demonstration
mode went the bride.
We moved on to Mungo Brush the next day and yours truly
decided on the camp site, being an experienced camper from my
youth, away from the other campers and caravans under some
trees with the bush behind us. I couldn’t believe this spot was still
available, then again there were spots available nearer the water,
but, I thought this was a better
position for sure.
Not meant to be as that night we were
inundated with mosquitoes all night
and for the second trip in a row we
were off again the very next day. Off
to explore Myall Lakes NP which was
really good being able to wander
around for hours on end all the while
having plenty of food, drinks and
coffee with us. However the mossies
had done a good job on both of us so
after a couple of days out we headed home.
We will be back but I don’t like the coast much and Fiona is a rock
hunter so I’m guessing we will probably head inland more often
than not.