Early morning sunrise at the Hill - found pic

Ayres Rock (Uluru) Trip - Bathurst to Broken Hill

April 2007

This was the biggest trip for us and Fiona was looking forward to the adventure, so I had to appear as though I knew where we were going. First stop Nyngan and Riverside Caravan Park when the emu turned up to see what he could scrounge from Fiona whilecooking dinner. The mandatory excursions away from the planned trip such as Paroo NP, east of Wilcannia and one or two tourist attractions at Broken Hill combined with a few days at Silverton sortof delayed our travel plan. The way in to Paroo NP was along Cultowa Road with red dirt corrugated roads but Fiona didn’t blink an eye and enjoyed every aspect of the trip in which was about 110km to the Darling River. In order to get Fiona to go on this trip we had bought a gas water heater at Rosehill Caravan & Camping Expo in 2007; this was to be it’s first trial. We got it to work that night, eventually, but it was all downhill from there on and Fiona was quick to learn all about selling on eBay upon our return home. On to Broken Hill and a reunion with a few local mates from the 1970’s at the Alma Hotel, it was a rough introduction for Fiona but these were my mates and I wanted her to meet them. A few hours later after returning to the Files residence, they all followed with bags of ‘Yabbies’, just for me, and all was good. When I worked at BH in the 70’s s women were not allowed to into the mines, however the following day the last ever trip down Broken Hill South Mine was on and Ross got us on the tour and Fiona was all for it. I could not believe it and off we went. We were with about 20 others and tour leaders, interesting for Fiona being a rock hunter but she wasn’t so sure when I pointed out some special roof supports during one of our stop and listen points. (see pic below) I knew what was coming as the tour leader pointed directly at us (beside us) and he explained how these supports did their job. Next out to Silverton for a few days so Fiona could discover the area, first stop was Silverton Hotel, a look at the various art galleries and Mundy Mundy Plains lookout. Rhonda came out from Broken Hill to show Fiona around while I took off on a photo expedition, sort of. Just a few photos ..............
Fiona chats with emu at Riverside Caravan Park Nyngan Cultowa Road from Emmdale Roadhouse to Paroo NP
Fiona underground at South Broken Hill mine Paroo NP and Fiona was loving this Tour Leader points to roof support next to us! Couple of bits of hardwood & rocks prop up roof