Getting Started - click on photos to enlarge

17th March 2006 We had been looking at travel options for about twelve months, I was keen on camping and Fiona’s idea of camping was a 4 Star Motel, no way was she going camping. Fiona was discovering the benefits of the internet and apparently, had a real good look at options for the photographer to travel around in. This research gave her some ideas and she offered to buy me a new camper trailer so I could travel around the countryside with my photography. The first idea was to check out a few places around the Penrith area such as All Terrain Campers (Off Road Specialists) at Seven Hills. ‘Lets go and have a look, if it dosen’t suit then we can look elsewhere’ and the seed had been planted. One good look and I was hooked, Glen (All Terrain Campers) went to great lengths to demonstrate setting the camper up, I took photos while Fiona listened to what Glen had to say! We travelled back to Seven Hills twice more to get a few extra lessons and it was obvious to everyone, but me, that Fiona must travel with me or every trip would end in disaster. And that is how our travel bug was set in concrete. The following day we took a quick trip up to Macquarie Woods to meet up with like minded close ‘rels’, the Family Schmich, who really are campers so they could check out the new camper and provide the newbies with some tips & tricks to get started. Jo pointed us towards the Lake Burrendong arera as a starting point and a week or so later it was off to Mookerawa Waters Park, in the rain, Carcoar Dam & Bakers Shaft for experience, and, to wet the canvas. At that time I didn’t know anything about wetting the canvas, not to worry Fiona had done the research and she knew about the entire procedure. You live and learn. Without Fiona I reckon I would have given the camping caper away long before we upgraded. On our first camp site it rained steadily during the night, and while I was enjoying the sound of rain on the canvas, Fiona was up and tending to the sagging canvas! How come I didn’t get up you ask, I love listening to the rain and I knew the water could not get in. Fi could see welling up in the sagging roof, I needed sleep, let me tell you I would be in big trouble without Fiona when on the road! We didn’t know it at that time, but, we had started a travel bug that just keeps growing! The Start - and so the journey began; and all is well .....
Lake Mookerawa near Burrendong Dam wetting the canvas ....